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Life on the road: as it stands....

Updated: Oct 31, 2018

The three existing Meteor Shower members are currently writing new material in readiness for new musicians to come on board. We have been rehearsing with various drummers, and guitarist / vocalists with a view to learning new and existing songs for live performance. We are also interested in a saxophonist or brass / wind player, since brass etc features strongly in the sound of The Meteor Shower. Details of any future live dates will be made known as soon as possible, and of course in response to demand. Please feel free to give us any feedback on this

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7 comentários

18 de nov. de 2018

Exactly, like a bus terminus.


18 de nov. de 2018

Ha, ha - yes indeed - a bit like happens at crystal Palace bus terminus


17 de nov. de 2018

The buses are parked up, aren't they? So the driver can have a fag.


17 de nov. de 2018

Yes, the historical land use is unknown to me I confess but the buses all queuing made me smile. A bit like the situation where you wait for a bus for an hour and six then arrive at once. Doh !!


17 de nov. de 2018

And that office block beyond may have been part of a new development of the area, attracting people and creating economic activity. This will have raised the value of that land, and this surplus should be collected for public funds. If it is not collected, this greatly incentivises dysfunctional practises which harm society, the environment and the economy.

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